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Show your allegiance by becoming a member!
In terms of the world’s biggest sports clubs, FC Schalke 04 find themselves in the top ten. Becoming a member of the Royal Blues has given passionate supporters the chance to become a key part of the club. Joining shows that they don’t just want to be a fan – they want to be more involved.
We’re as strong as we are today because everyone – from the fans, front office, players, staff and beyond – are all unified in the pursuit of our common goals and beliefs. Our club stands for togetherness, the continued presence of tradition, integrity, succes and passion. Get involved. Show your connection and dedication by getting behind the club and becoming a Schalke member.
Benefits of becoming a member
To start with, you’ll be sent a welcome pack including all of the information surrounding FC Schalke 04 membership. Additionally, membership means that you will receive a priority window when buying tickets, the exclusive member’s magazine “Schalker Kreisel” will be sent to you and you’ll have the opportunity to attend the club’s Annual General Meeting (AGM). On certain days you will also get special discounts in the S04 shop as well as receiving a card and gift voucher on your birthday.
Membership fees
The amount of the membership fee is decided by the general meeting. Fees are set by age group. In accordance with the club constitution, exceptions can be agreed in individual cases by motion submitted by the honorary board.
The relevant date for assessing the amount of the membership fee is always the date of birth. Members who move into a different fee group during a financial year (1 January – 31 December) will therefore pay the monthly rate of the previous year up until their birthday and the new monthly rate for the relevant age group thereafter.
New members pay a corresponding pro-rata membership fee and one-off joining fee of 5 euros in the year they become a member.
0-6 years of age: 3 euros
7-17: 12 euros
18-29: 25 euros
30-60: 50 euros
61 and over: 35 euros
Rules on leaving
A cancellation of your membership is only possible after a minimum term of two years. Your cancellation must be declared in writing and submitted to the club by September 30th. The resignation becomes effective at the end of the financial year – so on December 31st.
Member services
Opening hours: Monday to Thursday, 9am to 5pm | Friday, 9am to 4pm
Phone: +49 209 | 3618 5550
Become a member: Download-PDF
Become a member: Online