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Pablo Insua: Die härteste Zeit in meinem Leben!
Sieben Monate fiel Pablo Insua unter anderem wegen einer Herzbeutelentzündung aus. Die lange Leidenszeit endete am Samstag (17.3.) in Wolfsburg, als der Spanier in der 64. Minute eingewechselt wurde und damit seine Premiere in der Bundesliga feierte. Dass er auf diesen Moment lange hingefiebert hatte, war deutlich zu erkennen. Denn der 24-Jährige scheute keinen Zweikampf und half mit, den fünften Dreier in Serie einzufahren.

„Es war ein ganz besonderer Moment für mich“, gibt Insua einen Einblick in sein Gefühlsleben. „Wenn man so lange im Krankenhaus liegt, gibt es Momente, in denen man zweifelt. Vor allem, wenn die Ärzte einem keine Garantie geben können, dass man wieder Leistungssport betreiben kann“, so der Iberer, den eine Rippenfellentzündung so sehr schwächte, dass sich der Virus auf den Herzbeutel ausdehnte. In der Folge verlor er acht Kilogramm Körpergewicht. „Zum Glück stand dann aber relativ schnell fest, dass ich wieder hundertprozentig gesund werde. So hatte ich immer ein klares Ziel vor Augen. Das habe ich nun endlich erreicht und blicke nur noch nach vorne!“
Eine Atmosphäre wie in der VELTINS-Arena kenne ich aus keinem Stadion in Spanien.
The 24-year-old received support from his teammates during his injury lay-off. His fellow players visited him again and again to cheer him up. “The lads came by to bring me pizza regularly to put meat back on my bones following my weight loss,” says the centre-back. He received extra motivation for his comeback in his home country, Spain, over Christmas and the New Year. In the following weeks, Insua worked daily on making his comeback. The rocky path back to professional sport was no walk in the park for the Spaniard. “Ever since I could think, I’ve always played sports and I’d only been injured for three weeks at the most until now,” he says. “The injury lay-off was certainly the most difficult time in my life so far!”
The defender’s lacking game practice was barely noticeable in his first Bundesliga game, even if his timing wasn’t quite perfect at a few moments, such as his slide tackle on Maximilian Arnold. “Looking at it from a distance, it looks worse than it was,” he explains. “I knew immediately that I’d gone in too late and would be booked, but it looked a lot more dramatic in the replay than it actually was.” Insua is of the opinion that, as a defender, he has to bring a certain toughness to the game.
Now the 24-year-old is particularly happy about making his first Bundesliga appearance in the VELTINS-Arena. “Our fans’ support is unbelievable. Lots of Royal Blues make the trip to away games; you could be forgiven for thinking that we’re playing home games,” he says. “I haven’t seen an atmosphere like that in the VELTINS-Arena in any stadium in Spain.”